Our Parents Association

Supporting School Initiatives

The Parents Association is the structure through which parents in a school can work together for the best possible education of their children. The Parents Association works with the Principal, Staff and Board of Management to build effective partnerships between home and school. Therefore it is in the best interest of our children that we as parents support the organisation by attending the meetings and supporting fundraising events during the school year.

How It Works

The Parents Association in Glenderry was initially set up in April 2008. Since then the organisation has had a very harmonious working relationship with the Principal, Staff and Board of Management of the School. While the Association does not get involved in individual parenting issues it provides a medium where parents can enjoy the support of other parents and meaningfully support the aims of the school. We meet once a month which is only 10 meetings in the entire school year.

The Parents Association Commitee will have responsibility for representing the parents/guardians of Glenderry National School and managing the activities of the Parent Association. Not all parents/guardians will be in a position to become involved on the Parent Association Committee but instead, may wish to be involved on a specific fundraising or school event. 

The Committee will endeavour to provide opportunities for parents/guardians to volunteer their support when required for fundraising and school events. The Committee positively supports the work of the PA and positively supports the work and policies of the school.

The Committee must have the following elected officers; A Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. Where possible positions should be filled for Assistant Chairperson, Assistant Treasurer and Assistant secretary also.

Our Initiatives

One of our main functions is fundraising and since our inception we have had some very successful events. These have included a Race Night, Bring and Buy Sale, Bag Packing, Mobile Phone collection and smaller events such as Jersey Days, Ice Cream days and Easter and Christmas raffles. As a result of these events we have contributed towards the purchase of 5 Interactive Whiteboards for each of the class rooms, purchased 2 visualizers, have contributed towards a new photocopier, lawnmower and storage shed. All of our children have benefitted enormously in one way or another as a result of the Parents Associations contributions.

Our Commitee

The committee is the team who manages the tasks of the P.A. on behalf of the parents/guardians in accordance with the constituation of the PA While every association has a committee – consisting of Chairman, Sec, Treasurer etc. we work very much as a team with shared responsibilities to:

· Plan and manage the activities of the Parents Association for the school year.
· Involving as many parents/guardians as possible in the activities of the PA
· Fundraising
· Planning meetings and keeping records
· Linking with the National Parents Council

  • Michelle Corr – Chairperson
  • Thelma Casagranda – Secretary
  • Mairead Keane – Treasurer

The Parents Association can only survive with the support of the parents/guardians at the meetings and the other associated events so we would encourage you to give a little bit of your time – Its all for the good of our Children.

Our contact information