2022 Christmas Concert

All roads to Glenderry NS were busy last Wednesday Morning, 14/12/22 as parents and grandparents set off early to get to the school safely for their annual Christmas concert. Pupils and teachers had been busy with a few weeks learning the songs and tunes to be played on their tin whistles. It was first time since the pandemic that the concert took place.

The school had to have two shows as the demand was high to attend. The audience enjoyed a feast of singing and music from all classes, guided by their class teachers and their music teacher, Ann O Mahony. The standard was very high. When the show ended, Mr. Pierce thanked the staff, teachers and SNAs for their great work in getting the pupils ready and for having the school and halla looking so festive.

Great praise was given to our highly dedicated Board of Management who guide and support in running the school. Mr Pierce, also, welcomed the new Parent’s Association and wished them the best of luck in their tenure. He thanked the outgoing Parent’s Association for their great support on all occasions and events in the school. He mentioned that it was during their tenure and during Covid that we had one of our most successful fundraisers.

Afterwards the consensus was, that it was a very enjoyable show. Mr Pierce thanked everyone for attending and asked everyone to drive with care on the roads during this period.